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Regional Analysis of GLOBE Mosquito Data in Asia: Examining Species Diversity, Breeding Sites, and Container Index

Organization(s):Walailak University
Student(s):Pipat Suwanpakprak, Pisittaporn Kham, Kulika Keawsrichan, Ntanot Sereeburanapong, Nuttaphat Ruengaied, Paramet Janpan, Pimchanok Kanjanasnit, Naphatson Sukfai, Suwaphat Kaewklang, Achiraya Rattanapan, Aphiwat Phetrueanthong, Bunyavee Samart, Pattranit Songnoo.
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Chonticha Phethnu
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Presentation Video: View Video
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:02/03/2025
Regional Analysis of GLOBE Mosquito Data in Asia: Examining Species Diversity, Breeding Sites, and Container Index
This study analyzes data collected through the GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper in Asia to investigate mosquito species diversity, breeding site preferences, container indices, and their potential links to disease transmission. Asia, a region with diverse ecosystems and dense populations, is a hotspot for mosquito-borne diseases. Understanding the ecological dynamics of mosquito populations is crucial for effective vector control. This research explicitly examines (1) mosquito species distribution across Asian countries, (2) the types of breeding containers utilized by mosquitoes in different regions, and (3) the container index (percentage of infested water-holding containers). This study aims to identify key factors influencing mosquito populations and assess their role in disease transmission by integrating GLOBE data with environmental and epidemiological information. The findings will contribute to a deeper understanding of mosquito ecology in Asia and inform the development of evidence-based vector control strategies to protect public health.
