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Study of factors affecting Molineria latifolia Herb in Palian District,Trang Province

Student(s):Miss Jatuporn Imjit Miss Apinya Singin
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Jiraporn Sirirat
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Relative Humidity, Biometry (including Tree Height), Soil Characterization, Soil Fertility, Soil Moisture - Gravimetric, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/05/2025
This project aimed to study the growth factors of Hill coconut in Palian District, Trang Province. The study involved analyzing soil quality from six different locations in the area, examining soil properties and growth factors such as soil moisture, air humidity, soil temperature, soil pH, and light intensity at various times. The survey also included counting the number of plants per unit area, revealing a density range of 25 plants/m2. in low-density areas and 63 plants/ m2. in high-density areas. The light intensity ranged from 741-4449 LUX, indicating low light conditions. Humidity levels were high, ranging from 83-87%, and soil temperature ranged from 26.5-27.5 degrees Celsius. The findings suggest that Molineria nutans grows better in low-density areas compared to high-density areas, and soil fertility does not appear to significantly affect the growth of Hill coconut
