Student Research Reports
Study of the characteristics of water resources and their suitability for agriculture in Al-Deriz village (Ibri)
Organization(s):Sawda Um AlMumineen School (5-12)
Student(s):Aya Sultan Al Ghafri
Lian Salim Al-Yaqoubi
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):fakhria Alblushi
Contributors:1- The supervisor of GLOBE program at school: Ms. Fakhriya Al Balushi; for giving us the opportunity to conduct this research.
2- The village farmers and parents: To clarify the problem.
3- Ms. Kholoud Al-Hana’i: For providing us with useful information that helped us in completing this research.
4- Mr. Bader Al-Maamari: For his continuous support for the team and his backing for us.
5- Dr. Ahmed Moussa: The National Coordinator of the GLOBE Program in Oman.
6- The team members of GLOBE at the school.
7- We extend our deepest thanks and appreciation to everyone who gave us advice and assistance and helped us in answering the questions and overcome obstacles in
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Green-Up / Green-Down, pH, Salinity, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
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Date Submitted:02/19/2025
This research aims to study the characteristics of groundwater and freshwater in Al-Dreiz village, and its suitability for agriculture, and the comparison between the two types of water d
This research was applied in the village of Al-Dreiz in the Wilayat of Ibri, to study the causes of the problem through field visits and questioning some of the villagers, as well as interviewing some farmers to deduce a problem for the study.
Through this, it became clear to us that farmers and residents are suffering from a sudden increase in the salinity of groundwater. Compared to the salinity of the waters (Note that the salinity of Al-Masarat water was previously higher than that of groundwater). The main water sources in the village are Al-Masarat water and groundwater, and the acidity of the groundwater and Al-Masarat water was almost moderate (as the proportions were close to each other). Through the samples taken from the groundwater and Al-Masarat water, we applied the water protocol in the school laboratory to measure the salinity and acidity properties of the water samples. The research results indicated that there is a difference in the properties of the water, as it indicated the following:
The characteristics of the groundwater were different from those of Al-Masarat water; the salinity was higher in the groundwater (716ppm), in contrast to that in the water of Al-Masarat, where it was approximately (515ppt), and the acidity of the two types of water was similar and moderate (ranging from 8pH to 8.80pH).
Based on the research results, the researchers recommend that the relevant authorities intensify campaigns to monitor and examine the characteristics of groundwater and well water to determine their suitability for agriculture, as well as to ensure that citizens are aware of the use of modern irrigation methods, while setting guidelines to protect the water protocol from pollution that may result in a change in the basic characteristics of the water.