Student Research Reports
Study on Soil Quality in an Oil Palm Plantation in Areas with Accumulated Palm Leaves and Palm Fronds, Thung Khai Subdistrict, Yantakhao District, Trang Province
Student(s):Miss Ratchadawan Sirirat
Miss Sunanta Thipsing
Miss Suthikan Ritchim
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Thamonwan Bunchuay
Contributors:Mrs. Khwanchai Kanchanasrimak
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Bulk Density, Soil Characterization, Soil Fertility, Soil Moisture - SMAP Block Pattern, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025

The purpose of this study is to study the quality of soil with palm leaf and palm frond deposition, Thung Khai Subdistrict, Yan Ta Khao District, Trang Province, by using soil samples to analyze the mean to find fertility, soil structure, soil temperature, humidity, acidity-base (pH), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) content.
The results of the soil quality study found that the soil texture (surface) of the soil structure in all 3 points has loose adhesion. The structure is sandy soil mixed with loam. Results of the soil study (depth 15 cm.)
The soil structure under the palm frond has an average of being loose and sandy. There is a loose adhesion. The soil structure in the area 30 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of sandy powder, and the soil structure in the area 60 cm. from under the palm trees.
Results of the study of soil temperature (surface)
The soil temperature in the area under the palm frond averaged 22.1 the soil temperature 30 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of 22.93 and a soil temperature of 60 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of 23.33
Results of the soil temperature study (15 cm. deep) Soil temperatures in the area below the palm frond averaged 21.67 the soil temperature 30 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of 21.67 and a soil temperature of 60 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of 23.33
Results of the study of soil moisture (surface) The soil moisture value under the palm frond has an average of 1.33 the soil moisture value in the area 30 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of 0.33 and a soil moisture value of 60 cm. from under the palm frond
has an average of 0
Results of the study of soil moisture value (depth 15 cm.) The soil moisture value under the palm frond has an average of 2.17 the soil moisture value in the area 30 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of 1.67 and a soil moisture value of 60. cm from under the palm frond has an average of 1.17
(surface) N,P,K Soil in the area under the palm frond has an average of 4. N,P,K soil in the area 30 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of 0.89 and a value of N,P,K soil at a distance of 60 cm. from under the palm frond has a mean value of 0.22
Results of the study of soil N,P,K values (15 cm. deep) The N,P,K values of the soil under the palm frond had an average of 0.67 soil in the area 30 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of 0.67 and a value of N,P,K soil at a distance of 60 cm. from under the palm frond has an average of 1.11