Student Research Reports
Study on Soil Quality with the Addition of Bio-Pellet Fertilizer on the Growth of Khlong Khleng at Wichienmatu School, Trang Province.
Student(s):Miss Chadarat Samrit
Miss Alisa Kongchat
Miss Nitchakan Jittrawut
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Kwanjai Karnchanasrimek
Contributors:Mrs Khwanjai Karnchanasrimak
Miss Pawaran Chunyong
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Soil Moisture - Gravimetric, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/07/2025

Study on soil quality with bio-pellet fertilizer on the growth of stagger The objective was to study the quality of soil filled with biocompost for the growth of staggered plants . Soil pH, soil moisture and swaying growth The study found that Soil structure around the rocking tree Fixation of nodular soil and soil texture. The soil adhesion is loamy and the soil texture is loamy. Soil pH, soil moisture After adding bio-fertilizer, the soil temperature decreases, and the nutrients in the soil before and after adding bio-pellet fertilizer There are differences in nitrogen content, phosphorus content, Potassium content, elevation The growth of the swaying tree before and after adding bio-pellet fertilizer. It was found that the Klong Klangtree was growing more.