Student Research Reports
Study on the relationship between environmental factors and the population density of Azolla microphylla
Student(s):Ms.Thofan Intasorn
Ms. Supichaya Phramuang
Ms.Phornchanit Pornreangwong
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Chumpon Chareesaen
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Alkalinity, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Salinity, Water Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/04/2025
Currently, Azolla (Azolla microphylla) is popular in the field of trade, and it can be used
as animal feed or consumed in households because of its low cultivation cost. However, the
cultivation method is not difficult and can propagate quickly and yields high yields, but the
cultivation of Azolla has some limitations, such as the uncertain increase in the amount of
Azolla and pests. Acidity-base (pH), dissolved oxygen content (DO), amount of light, etc.
Therefore, studying the factors that affect the increase in the number of Azolla is important for
farmers who cultivate Azolla. Recognizing this importance, the organizers studied the
relationship between environmental factors and the density of the Azolla population in 8
ponds. The average pH was 6.09, the average temperature was 27.65 °C, the average TDS
was 54.83 ppm, the EC was 87.83 μs/cm, the salinity was 48 ppm, the DO was 3.9 mg/L, and
the water translucency was 23.14 cm. The average pH was 5.71, the average temperature was
27.67 °C, the average TDS was 57.49 ppm, the EC was 149.8 μs/cm, the salinity was 57 ppm ,
the DO was 5.1 mg/L, and the water translucency was 35.18 cm. It was found that the average
EC, average DO, average Salt and average water translucency in ponds with dense Azolla
populations were lower than in ponds with light Azolla populations, while the average pH,
average temperature and TDS values in ponds with dense Azolla populations and ponds with
light Azolla populations were similar. Based on the estimation of the population density of
Azolla by the plot-based sampling method. The Quadrat Sampling Method showed that ponds
1-4 were ponds with dense Azolla populations with estimated population densities of 7,300,
6,900, 7,800 and 9,800 plants/square meter, respectively, and ponds 5-8 were ponds with lightAzolla populations with 2,575, 1,206, 331 and 672 plants/square meter, respectively. The results
of the study showed that the physical properties were EC , DO, Salt and water translucency. It
affects the density of the Azolla population.