Student Research Reports
Study the quality of soil in rice fields before planting
Student(s):Miss Thanwarat kongkum
Mr. Chatmongkol Prapphan
Miss Promsiri Sringammueang
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Chumpon Chareesaen
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Soil Fertility, Soil Moisture - Gravimetric, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/04/2025
From the study of soil quality before rice planting, physical and chemical properties of
the soil were assessed, which are important factors affecting the growth and yield of rice. The
parameters used in the analysis included pH, soil temperature, soil salinity, soil moisture, and
the amount of essential nutrients for plants. The study found that the average soil salinity was
0.18 mS/cm, which is less than <2 mS/cm, indicating that the soil in the study area has salinity
levels that do not hinder the absorption of nutrients by rice. The pH value is 6.54, which falls
within the suitable range (5.0-7.0) for rice cultivation, as it allows essential nutrients such as
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to dissolve and be absorbed by the plants efficiently. The
soil temperature is at 30°C, which is suitable for the tillering stage and the photosynthesis
process, allowing rice plants to efficiently accumulate energy and grow fully. The soil moisture
content is in the range of 75%-100%, which is suitable for rice growth because rice is a waterintensive plant, especially during the tillering and grain-filling stages. Water is essential for
nutrient transport and maintaining cell turgor pressure. Meanwhile, the soil fertility level is
IDEAL. Indicates the sufficient amount of essential nutrients for rice growth, such as nitrogen (N),
which aids in the development of stems and leaves; phosphorus (P), which promotes root
growth and seed formation; and potassium (K), which enhances plant strength and disease