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The effect of using (Deltarin) pesticide on plant growth and on agricultural soil properties

Student(s):Aya Sultan Al Ghafri Lian Salim Al-Yaqoubi
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):fakhria Alblushi
Contributors:We would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the school principal, for her continuous cooperation and constant support to the GLOBE program team. We also thank the agricultural development staff, for their cooperation in providing information, as well as the villagers, to clarify the problem. Also, many thanks for guardians and especially Professor Bader Al-Maamari. In addition to Dr. Ahmed Moussa for his continuous support for us. And we extend our thanks and appreciation to everyone who left their mark of advice , assistance and helped us by answering questions and overcoming obstacles in implementing this research. Finally, we would extend our thanks to our supervisor in the research: Ms. Fakhriya Al-Balushi, to allow us to conduct this research.
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Green-Up / Green-Down, Soil Characterization, Soil pH
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:02/22/2025
Our research aims to study the effect of pesticides (DalSoRain) DELTARIN on agricultural crops as well as its effect on soil and agricultural and whereas, by conducting some interviews on farms. We found out that farmers suffer from the problem of the spread of some plants in their farms, including the (Portulaca oleracea), as a result of using a type of pesticide. So, we decided to study the case and follow up on it. After conducting a practical experiment by planting two fields with lettuce and soil and amount of water and sunlight. The independent variable was spraying the pesticide on one of the fields while monitoring the growth of the crops. We found that the lettuce plant grows normally at appropriate lengths, unlike the plant that was sprayed, which was shorter. The sprayed plant's green leaves have changed also; yellow spots have appeared on it, with a significant increase in the number of leaves on the plant. As for the intended plant, it did not grow due to the weather conditions. So, it has become clear to us that it grows faster in the summer, and we have noticed the growth of some unwanted plants in the study area. In addition to the weeds. Our study was in January and February, i.e. winter. And with the study of the soils, it was shown to us that the properties of soils and agriculture changed to the part that was sprayed with pesticide. Its acidity has changed (decreased) and its salinity has increased significantly. Therefore, we demand the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to pay attention to the issue of pesticides, and putting explanatory brochures for the farmers to explain its impact over time and trying to replace them with other pesticides which are inspired from the environment.
