Student Research Reports
Organization(s):Sumarska i drvodjeljska skola
Student(s):Petra Kljaić, Ivana Miljenović, David Župčić
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Ivana Čordašev
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure
Date Submitted:12/11/2024

The effects of weather extremes have become our everyday life, and the question arises about
their consequences on human health. We feel the impact of certain weather changes on our
skin, and we decided to conduct research in cooperation with the Karlovac Civil Protection
Service. We were interested in how extreme air temperatures (minimum and maximum air
temperatures) as well as the consecutive appearance of three or more days with fog affect
people's health. We observed the period from September 2022 to August 2023. In that period,
we observed the maximum and minimum air temperatures for the warm (June, July, August)
and cold part of the year (December, January, February), and days with three or more
consecutive days of fog. For days when the air temperature values were higher/lower than the
mean monthly average, we requested the number of calls sent to 194. In the results, we see
that the observed parameters have a significant effect on human health. We are aware that
we observed a short period and that it would certainly have been better if we had processed
more elements for a longer period of time.