Student Research Reports
The secret word of mosquitoes/Tajni svijet komaraca
Organization(s):OS Josip Pupacic
Student(s):Rina Knezović, Petra Pivac i Mia Leticia Rubić
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Tamara Banovic, Ivica Štrbac
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Protocols:Mosquitoes, Salinity, Water Temperature
Language(s):English, Croatian
Date Submitted:01/28/2025

The objectives of the work were to find potential mosquito habitats, to determine the presence of mosquitoes, and to correlate the occurrence of mosquito development stages with water temperature and the type of aquatic habitat. The emphasis was on finding artificial water habitats where mosquitoes develop. The first part of the research was conducted from June 2023 to February 2024, and the occurrence of mosquitoes in five different natural water habitats was monitored. The second part of the research was conducted from November 2023 to February 2024, and we investigated the presence of mosquitoes in artificial water habitats. The temperature of the water was measured with a thermometer, and the mosquitoes were observed with the eye and microscope. The results show the presence of developmental stages of mosquitoes in puddles, in a calm part of the river and in brackish water, while they are absent in seawater, and in the fast flow of the river, no stages of mosquitoes living in water but adults in the air were found. In artificial, potential mosquito habitats, developmental stages were mostly found. The water temperature ranged from 6 to 20 °C. Since most of the artificial habitats included accumulated water that does not represent ecologically significant habitats, the water needs to be removed to prevent the development of mosquitoes, potential carriers of infectious diseases. This research provides the basis for further research with the aim of removing artificial habitats where mosquitoes breed and thus reduce their impact on public health.
Ciljevi rada bili su pronaći potencijalna staništa komaraca, utvrditi prisutnost komaraca te povezati pojavnost razvojnih stadija komaraca s temperaturom vode i vrstom vodenog staništa. Naglasak je bio na pronalasku umjetnih vodenih staništa u kojima se razvijaju komarci. U prvom dijelu istraživanja, od lipnja 2023. do veljače 2024., pratila se pojavnost komaraca u pet različitih prirodnih vodenih staništa. U drugom dijelu istraživanja, od studenoga 2023. do veljače 2024., istraživala se prisutnost komaraca u umjetnim vodenim staništima. Temperatura vode mjerila se termometrom, a komarci promatrali okom i mikroskopom. Rezultati pokazuju prisutnost razvojnih stadija komaraca u lokvama, mirnom dijelu rijeke i u bočatoj vodi dok isti izostaju uz morsku vodu, a u brzom toku rijeke nisu pronađeni stadiji komaraca koji žive u vodi već odrasle jedinke u zraku. U umjetnim, potencijalnim staništima komaraca, razvojni stadiji su uglavnom i pronađeni. Temperatura vode kretala se od 6 do 20 °C. Budući je većina umjetnih staništa uključivala nakupljenu vodu koja ne predstavlja ekološki značajna staništa, vodu je potrebno ukloniti kako bi se spriječio razvoj komaraca, potencijalnih prijenosnika zaraznih bolesti. Ovo istraživanje pruža osnovu za daljnje istraživanje u cilju uklanjanja umjetnih staništa u kojima se razvijaju komarci te tako smanjiti njihov utjecaj na javno zdravlje.