Student Research Reports
The study and comparison of soil quality and abandoned shrimp pond soil used for oil palm cultivation in HatSamran District, Trang Province.
Student(s):Ms. Chanidapa chupheng
Ms. Juthamart Noonueng
Ms. Nattanicha Somjing
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Thamonwan Bunchuay
Contributors:Ms. Orapin Noonum
MS.Naeriya Tonkrongchan
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Soil Fertility, Soil Moisture - Gravimetric, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025
A Study and Comparison of Soil Quality and Abandoned Shrimp Pond Soil Used for Oil Palm Cultivation in Hat Samran District, Trang Province, During December 2024 - January 2025 The objective of this study is to examine and compare the quality of normal soil and abandoned shrimp pond soil used for oil palm cultivation in Hat Samran District, Trang Province.
Soil quality measurements were taken once a month, including pH, soil color, soil adhesion, soil fertility (measuring N, P, and K values), soil temperature, moisture content, and salinity. The study found that the soil in the abandoned shrimp ponds exhibited variability in nutrient
content and salinity. The soil in the abandoned shrimp ponds had higher moisture content compared to normal soil. In contrast, normal soil was of better quality than the abandoned shrimp pond soil, with a pH ranging from 5.37 to 6.37, which is mildly acidic to neutral. This ph range is suitable for oil palm cultivation and aligns with research from the Surat Thani Oil Palm Research Center in 1972, that the ideal pH range for oil palm cultivation is between 5.0 and 6.0.
Soil fertility elements include nitrogen (N), which supports leaf and stem growth, enhances greenness, and facilitates photosynthesis; phosphorus (P), to help in root development and overall plant growth, contributing to seed and flower production; and potassium (K), It helps regulate water usage in plants, supports photosynthesis, and contributes to sugar production in plants.