Student Research Reports
Trees in our Community: Using GLOBE to Contribute with Primary and Secondary Data Analysis.
Organization(s):St. Luke's College-Haras Santa María
Student(s):Sofía Luriaud (Globe Alumni), Mia Turale, Sofia Arenaza, Sofia Cabona, Verena Iacouzzi, Micaela Ailen Velasco, Agustina Andreola (Senior 4)
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):María Marta Gutiérrez
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Biometry (including Tree Height), Carbon Cycle
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Date Submitted:02/03/2025

Since 2023 we’ve been studying the Taxonomy and Biometry of trees located in “Haras Santa María” (Loma Verde, Escobar, Buenos Aires, Argentina) following GLOBE protocols.
Research questions :1) How obtaining "Primary data” could contribute to increasing knowledge about the trees in our community? 2) How could GLOBE databases help in monitoring our trees and comparing them with other urbanizations?.We sampled 608 specimens and determined 41 species belonging to 27 families.For the first time, a Tree Digital Catalog is available. People are now able to recognize their own trees.The most frequent species is Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall. Biometric data (height and circumference) and Carbon capture were obtained. Most specimens are exotic (91.03 %) and deciduous (83.76 %). Native species represent 8% of total carbon capture. We recommend native trees for future plantations.Also, we highly advocate for the conservation of the pristine “Talar area” in this neighborhood.As there was no local data to compare with past years, we decided to use GLOBE ADAT and the Visualization System in order to compare our results with other regions (GLOBE v-School Croatia and Colegio Montessori , Cartagena, Colombia). Thus, enhancing our analysis with the study of 1050 data samples .We believe that analyzing primary data during 2023 and 2024 was the base to have the opportunity to compare data with other countries. Without primary data nothing is possible. So, this contribution opens the possibility of any present and future comparative researches.