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Can Water Keep a Plant from Growing?

Student(s):Iyonnie Prather
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Connie Atkisson
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS)
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrates, pH, Water Temperature, Soil pH
Presentation Video: View Video
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/06/2024
 The purpose of this research was to determine if using polluted water to hydrate Raphanus sativus seeds would negatively affect their growth. The hypothesis tested was that hydrating these common radishes with polluted river water would allow these seeds to germinate but would grow less and die off sooner than those watered with the control variable. I thought that watering Raphanus sativus plants with polluted water would negatively impact their growth because the pollutants in the water will stunt their growth and cause even cause early death to the plant. The experimental design included ten trials using seeds planted in peat pots with potting soil, that were watered every one to two days. Each pot received the same seed brand, soil, sunlight, water, and growth opportunity. The only variable being measured was plant growth which was measured with a metric ruler once germination began. The control variable was bottled spring water which matched the ideal parameters for healthy plant growth. Each trial had plants measured that were watered by polluted urban rivers from Michigan and Ohio: The Rouge River, the Detroit River, Silver Creek, and the Ottawa River. Each river had been certified as a polluted urban river by their states’ respective EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Each plant was measured every three days once seedlings sprouted, for any growth and data recorded in logbook. Each water source was measured for water quality using GLOBE protocols and uploaded into database. The data sadly, supported the hypothesis and results surprised this researcher.
