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Fires and climate change - a burning issue

Country:Croatia, Croatia
Student(s):Tin Rogić, Šimun Kapljić, David Pejdo Kristo Ora, Nikša Šimić, Petar Vilić
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Zrinka Klarin, Ivica Štrbac
Contributors:Zrinka Klarin, Ivica Štrbac
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Biometry (including Tree Height), Fire Fuel
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:01/31/2024
Nowadays, we are witnessing numerous extreme changes in the environment. In Dalmatia, we can see an increase in the number of forest fires, especially in the fire season when the weather conditions favor the occurrence of fires. The mean annual air temperature values at selected Main Meteorological Stations (GMP) Zadar, Split - Marijan and Dubrovnik show increases compared to the two last consecutive thirty-year periods, from 1961 to 1990 and from 1991 to 2020, which affects increase in the fire index in the area of Dalmatia. By analyzing and comparing data in the program Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) - NASA, satellite images before, during and after the fire from the Šibenik location, one of the largest fire areas of the Aleppo pine forest in Dalmatia, were compared in 2022. Through the implementation of the GLOBE Fire Fuel protocol, data was obtained on a large amount of fuel material in the area of the Aleppo pine forest, and biometric measurements confirmed that the Aleppo pine is a fast-growing tree species. Thus, afforestation of the area with Aleppo pine as a pyrophytic species should be controlled and conducted in accordance with the profession.


Dragi učenici, vaše istraživanje požara duž dalmatinske obale vrlo je zanimljivo i poučno. Pohvalno je što ste u svom istraživanju surađivali s učenicima iz druge škole te ste uspoređivali dobivene rezultate. Jeste li razmišljali proširiti svoje istraživanje i na druge lokacije te proširiti suradnju na više škola? Planirate li o svojim aktivnostima upoznati javnost?