Student Research Reports
Food Preferences Among the Crab Species at Elkhorn Slough
Organization(s):Watsonville High School (GLIDTAGJ)
Country:United States of America
Student(s):Alejandra Castro, Paloma Espiritu, Crystal Gallardo, and Elsy Romero
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Satina Ciandro
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report, U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS)
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity
Date Submitted:06/17/2020
● With our background research, our group addressed the impact of invasive species on the Elkhorn Slough ecosystems.
● European Green Crab is an invasive species originally from the northeastern coast of Europe that was accidentally transported to the East coast of the U.S.
● The European Green Crab, like other invasive species, have shown signs of killing off native species such as the Yellow Mud Crab, Striped Shore Crab, and the Pacific Rock Crab because of the lack of predator threats that they receive.
● Our group researched food preference among crab species with the intention of finding the preference of the invasive European Green Crab.
● Testable Question: Does food preference affect the abundance and richness of crabs at Elkhorn Slough?
● Hypothesis:We think the anchovies or the white fish cat food would be the bait of choice because both baits are aquatic species which could resemble the fish species within the slough.
● Our research was meant to help scientists with the removal of invasive species from the infested areas due to the harm they might cause and ensure the safety of ecosystems within the slough.