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Hot Air, Warm Soil – A Temperature Link

Student(s):GLOBE team
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Ramona Mercieca, Pauline Vella
Contributors:Amanda Caruana, Gozo College
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Clouds, Precipitation, Relative Humidity, Soil Temperature
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:02/23/2024
This research explores the connection between air temperature and soil surface temperature carried out by GLOBE students attending Gozo College Agius de Soldanis Middle School as part of the GLOBE Malta Europe Direct Gozo Soil Project. The investigation aimed to understand how these temperatures relate to each other and what factors might influence the warmth or coolness of the soil surface. To answer these questions, the students collected air temperature and soil surface temperature data during November and December. They also measured other weather parameters including air pressure, humidity, and cloud cover. Through their observations, the students identified patterns in temperature changes and discovered interesting links between the air and the soil beneath their feet. This report provides an insightful exploration into the world of temperature dynamics, highlighting the importance of understanding these connections for the local environment. The students' efforts contribute to the broader understanding of climate science and emphasize the valuable role that young scientists can play in solving the mysteries of the natural world.
