Student Research Reports
Hydrology Investigation Comparing Subsequent Collection Sites
Organization(s):Madison Plains High School, Madison Plains High School
Student(s):Andrew Nelson, Emily Blosser, Samarah Wilson, Poorva Petal, Taylor Briggs, Emily Greenlee, and Toria Laumann
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Sara Ellenberger, Michele Ann Hildebrandt
Contributors:Additional Teacher from Madison Plains High School: Michele Hildebrandt
Report Type(s):
Protocols:Water Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Alkalinity, Nitrates
Date Submitted:05/01/2013
This investigation was made in order to observe hydrology trends in the local water network. Working in compliance with the GLOBE program, water was collected and analyzed by high school students each month. The key measurements focused on were alkalinity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and nitrates. It was hypothesized that each factor followed a pattern that could be interpreted by graphing the changes occurring as water flowed downstream every recording period. Some predictions about their relationships were refuted, and others, confirmed. This research will serve as a basis for future analyses conducted by forthcoming classes.