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In searching of the secrets of water

Student(s):Aranda, Diego Barzanti, Tobías Carreras, Federico Córdoba, Santino Fiori, Tiziano Marelli Ramiro Fernando Ponce, Ulises Santiago Quiroga, Francisco Gabriel Raschini, Santiago Tarquini, Paolo Valenzuela, Lucas Leporatti, Julieta
Grade Level:Upper Primary (grades 3-5, ages 8-11)
GLOBE Educator(s):Claudia María Romagnoli
Contributors:GLOBE Teacher: Guadalupe Manginelli
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/08/2016
Presentation Escuela1345
This work is being carried out by fifth graders School Nº 1345 "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" Pujato. It aims to describe the surrounding area of the canal-ditch located northwest of the town, a place where students often fish and play. Within the environmental characteristics, water quality is being especially studied. Activities: reading and interpretation of the story "A Waterproof Case"; organisation of a field trip; localization of the place under study; preparation of materials and tools for work; field visits with observations and measurements to describe the ecosystem, wildlife, and state of time. The aquatic environment will be characterized by determining turbidity and water temperature, presence of aquatic plants, fish, insects; sampling of water so as to experiment and determine other properties -pH and DO-; performing bioassay to assess toxicity and finally to determine quality. As a complement a logo is designed.


It is a very impressed fifth grade student report. I enjoyed reading your report. A place that you often fish and play is very beautiful. Here are my questions.
(1) You took your hydrology measurements in August. What would you think if you take some hydrology measurements in other months (for example, in Dec or in April)?
(2) You got water pH of 8, what do you think about pH 8? What does this really telling you about your water quality?
(3) Why did you use onion as a bio-indicator of water quality? If you do not have onion, what else would you use?
From the students of Escuela Primaria Particular Incorporada N°1345 Nuestra Señora del Carmen-

(1) You took your hydrology measurements in August. What would you think if you take some hydrology measurements in other months (for example, in Dec or in April)?
(1) Ustedes tomaron sus medidas de hidrología en agosto. ¿Qué pensarían si toman algunas medidas de hidrología en otros meses (por ejemplo, en diciembre o en abril)?
Respuesta en español:
Si las medidas de hidrología fueran tomadas en otros meses, no en agosto, tendríamos que tener en cuenta que cambian las condiciones climáticas. Pujato (Argentina) se encuentra dentro de la región de clima templado pampeano; en agosto, las temperaturas son más bajas que en abril y que en diciembre. Además, agosto no es época de lluvias (por eso las salidas de campo se realizan durante ese mes), las lluvias ocurren en abril y especialmente en diciembre. El aumento de temperatura podría afectar un poco a la temperatura superficial del agua porque que el canal que es poco profundo. La caída de grandes cantidades de lluvia podría modificar un poco la turbidez y la temperatura del agua; si la lluvia fuera lluvia ácida alteraría especialmente el pH, pero pensamos que no se presenta ese riesgo porque no hay industrias en la región.

En inglés:
If hydrology measures were taken in other months, not in August, we would have to take account of changing weather conditions. Pujato (Argentina) is within the region of “pampeano” temperate climate; in August, temperatures are lower than in April and December. Moreover, August is rainy season (for that field trips are made during that month) the rains occur in April and especially in December. The temperature rise could affect some of the surface temperature because the channel is shallow. Falling large amounts of rain could change a little turbidity and water temperature; if the rain was especially acid rain alter the pH, but we think that risk is not present because no industries in the region.

(2) You got water pH of 8, what do you think about pH 8? What does this really telling you about your water quality?
(2) Ustedes obtuvieron pH del agua de 8, ¿qué les parece un pH de aproximadamente 8? ¿Qué significa esto en realidad sobre la calidad del agua?

En español
Los valores de pH del agua entre 6,5 y 8,2 según los protocolos GLOBE indican que el agua es adecuada para la mayoría de los organismos; el valor que nosotros hemos obtenido (pH=8) está dentro de este intervalo.
Considerando la calidad de agua en función de su uso, según Escarré Esteve (2000), el agua del canal es BUENA. El agua podría potabilizarse mediante un tratamiento simple; podría utilizarse para baño (ocio); es apta para el crecimiento de peces; se podría utilizar para abrevadero de animales y para el riego; podría utilizarse en industrias alimentarias.

En inglés
Water pH between 6.5 and 8.2 according GLOBE hydrology protocols indicate that the water is suitable for most organisms; the value we have obtained in our analysis (pH = 8) is within this range therefore is suitable.
Considering the quality of water depending on its use, according Escarré Esteve (2000), the canal water is GOOD. The water could become potable through simple treatment; it could be used for bath (entertainment); It is suitable for the growth of fish; It could be used for watering animals and for irrigation; It could be used in food industries.

(3) Why did you use onion as a bio-indicator of water quality? If you do not have onion, what else would you use?
(3) ¿Por qué se utiliza la cebolla como un bioindicador de la calidad del agua? Si usted no tiene la cebolla, ¿qué más se puede utilizar?
En español:
Los bioensayos se utilizan para determinar la toxicidad de muestras de agua debido a que los organismos vivos presentan alguna respuesta a niveles peligrosos de cualquier sustancia química. En este caso la cebolla es un bio-indicador de la calidad de agua porque es sensible a estrés ambiental, de fácil manipulación y almacenaje, de bajo costo y permite una resolución simple y rápida. En este caso la estimación de la toxicidad se realiza mediante la medición de la media del crecimiento de la raíz de cebollas.
Si no tuviésemos cebollas se podría realizar bioensayos con semillas de lechuga, de muy fácil adquisición. Este ensayo observará ambos aspectos del crecimiento de las semillas: 1) el efecto que tiene la muestra de agua que se está examinando sobre el número de semillas que brotan (germinación), y 2) la longitud de crecimiento de las raíces (desarrollo de las raíces). Ambas observaciones se compararán en ensayos de "control normal" (entorno no tóxico) y de "control positivo" (entorno tóxico).
Otra propuesta sería realizar bioensayos hechos en el laboratorio utilizando organismos que han sido recolectados en las márgenes del canal.

En inglés
Bioassays are used to determine the toxicity of water samples because living organisms have some response to hazardous levels of any chemicals. In this case the onion is a bio-indicator of water quality because it is sensitive to environmental stress, easy handling and storage, low cost and allows a simple and rapid resolution. In this case the estimation of toxicity is performed by measuring the average root growth of onions.
If we did not have onions, we could perform bioassays with lettuce seeds, very easy to purchase in this area. This essay will consider both aspects of seed growth: 1) the number of seeds sprouting (germination), and 2) the length of root growth (root development). Both observations are compared in trials of "normal control" (non-toxic environment) and "positive control" (toxic environment).
Another proposal would make bioassays made in the laboratory using organisms that have been collected on the banks of the canal.
Thank you for writing the answers of the students of the School 1345! Claudia Romagnoli (GLOBE Zonal Coordinator) y Guadalupe Manginelli (GLOBE Teacher)
I liked very much your study! Your Power Point presentation describes it as an exciting process of discovery. I’m sure that you all had fun doing this research. Complexity of your measurements and analysis makes your conclusions strong and convincing. The perspective for further research is also well described. You’ve designed a fabulous logo! This is a nice object of art, and a good symbol for water detectives.
Your study site is interesting because of the trout- hatching in neighborhood. Is trout living also in your ditch?
What changes in water characteristics might be most harmful for trout?
Nice answers. Your answers are very clear and well thought out. Love the idea of using lettuce seeds (germination and growth). Well done.
We appreciate your expressions about our research.
Thank you very much!
Para responder a ULLE KIKAS:

Hola Ulle!
Nosotros agradecemos tus apreciaciones acerca de nuestro trabajo
Hi Ulle!
Thank you very much for your appreciation about our research.

1) Las truchas no viven en el canal. Ellas sólo están en los estanques del criadero, aunque podrían vivir en el canal.
The trout don’t live in the channel. They are only in hatchery ponds, although they could live on the channel.

2) El objetivo de nuestra investigación no fue el estudio de las características del agua para la cría de truchas, sin embargo, nosotros suponemos que el aumento de la temperatura del agua es uno de los cambios que podría dañar la vida de las truchas. Los cambios en la OD y el pH pueden ser perjudiciales también.
The objective of our research wasn’t the study of the characteristics of water for breeding trout, however, we assume that the increase in water temperature is one of the changes that could damage the life of the trout. The changes in DO and pH might be harmful for trout too.