Student Research Reports
In searching of the secrets of water
Student(s):Aranda, Diego
Barzanti, Tobías
Carreras, Federico
Córdoba, Santino
Fiori, Tiziano
Marelli Ramiro Fernando
Ponce, Ulises Santiago
Quiroga, Francisco Gabriel
Raschini, Santiago
Tarquini, Paolo
Valenzuela, Lucas
Leporatti, Julieta
Grade Level:Upper Primary (grades 3-5, ages 8-11)
GLOBE Educator(s):Claudia María Romagnoli
Contributors:GLOBE Teacher: Guadalupe Manginelli
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
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Date Submitted:03/08/2016
This work is being carried out by fifth graders School Nº 1345 "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" Pujato. It aims to describe the surrounding area of the canal-ditch located northwest of the town, a place where students often fish and play. Within the environmental characteristics, water quality is being especially studied.
Activities: reading and interpretation of the story "A Waterproof Case"; organisation of a field trip; localization of the place under study; preparation of materials and tools for work; field visits with observations and measurements to describe the ecosystem, wildlife, and state of time. The aquatic environment will be characterized by determining turbidity and water temperature, presence of aquatic plants, fish, insects; sampling of water so as to experiment and determine other properties -pH and DO-; performing bioassay to assess toxicity and finally to determine quality.
As a complement a logo is designed.