Student Research Reports
Land use and coverage in Urbano Santos, Maranhão, Brazil
Student(s):Max Willan Almeida da Silva
Andreza Maciel de Sousa
César Lopes dos Reis
Maria Gabriela Macineiro Araujo
Joaquim Ferreira da Silva Júnior
Federal University of Maranhão
Lorenzo Lemos Sousa Silva
State Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão - IEMA
Grade Level:graduate
GLOBE Educator(s):Nítalo Machado
Contributors:State Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão – IEMA
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Land Cover Classification
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Date Submitted:03/06/2024

The land use and occupation process is a vital subject for study that aids in understanding human dynamics and their interaction with the environment. Hence, the aim of this research is to assess the alterations in land use and occupation within the municipality of Urbano Santos – MA over a 26-year span, employing geoprocessing techniques. Thermal maps were generated using the geospatial delineation of cartographic products from the MapBiomas Project, utilizing QGIS 3.16.1 software. The identified land use and cover classes included soy cultivation, temporary crops, urban areas, forest formation, and water bodies. The findings indicate a progressive degradation of Forest Formation and Water Bodies, alongside an expansion of Urban Infrastructure. Additionally, the study notes fluctuations in the area of soy cultivation, with a rapid and seemingly disorganized increase in Temporary Crops. This work is intended to serve as a foundation to further discussions on the topic within the municipality and the wider region.