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Snipe (Gallinago gallinago delicata), Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus), and American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) As Indicator Species On Climate Change Based On Migrational Patterns in Ohio

Student(s):Justin Rumel
Grade Level:Upper Primary (grades 3-5, ages 8-11)
GLOBE Educator(s):Steven Frantz
Report Type(s):
Protocols:Air Temperature, Soil Temperature
Date Submitted:05/03/2013
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The motivation for this project was a study on climate change. The whole point of doing this project was to use the selected birds as a reference to climate change to see if it was actually happening. This project clearly shows that climate change has already begun to affect certain animals and it should affect more in the next thirty years. To get the results taken, the website Ebird was visited. The website shows migration data from 1880 to now. Other than migration data, air and soil temperature was taken. To gather the soil temperature, a soil thermometer was inserted into the ground and was left for two minutes and then the temperature reading was recorded. Air temperature was taken by taking an air thermometer and holding the thermometer out and waiting for minutes and then the temperature reading was recorded. As a result, the selected birds have shown that climate change has affected their migration patterns. The birds have shown to arrive earlier and depart later than in past migrations. The results taken have supported the hypothesis made about the project. In conclusion, climate change is beginning to affect the environment around the world and should begin to affect more in the future if the present trend continues.


Justin -

Very nice work! Were you able to check climatic data for soil and air temperature? I'm particularly curious to see if you found any relationship between soil temperature and migration dates. How can you continue this research?

I look forward to seeing your answers!
This is an interesting and good project. I hope you will continue it in the future. How do your measurements of soil and air temperature relate to testing your hypothesis?

Why didn't you report your data to GLOBE?
Hello Justin, This is an interesting question and I'm glad you wrote that you would examine additional bird species if you conducted this study again. Adding air (and perhaps soil) temperature data to your historic arrival and departure dates of these birds could also be useful data to examine.
It might also be useful to speak with a local biologist/ornithologist on the possibility of resident birds. Since these birds tend to probe their beaks into moist soils, it might be interesting to also look into soil invertebrate activities. Good work - I hope this research experience has been engaging for you.
Very fun activity. It would be great to have photos attached, if that's possible. There is a group out there that also documents night-flight sounds. It would be fun to watch the weather that is happening during migration in your area and check the night-flight recording data they have been doing. Great job students!