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Soil characteristics and their impact on Omani garlic plant growth

Student(s):Abrar Saif Khalifa Alfarsi
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):hedaya alfarsy
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Land Cover Classification, Conductivity, pH, Salinity, Soil Characterization, Soil pH
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/11/2022
My research aims to study a comparsion between the characteristics of two types of soil and their impact on Omani garlic plant growth and I asked the following question: - What is the impact of soil characteristics (acidity, salinity and conductivity) on Omani garlic plant growth? To answer this question, I decided to study the characteristics of two types of soil on the growth of the Omani garlic plant, where this crop is frequently grown at this time of year . So I applied the soil protocol to study the characteristics of each sample in terms of acidity, salinity, conductivity and water protocol to study the characteristics of the water source in terms of salinity, acidity, conductivity and the protocol of land cover to observe the growth of the garlic plant. The results indicated that the growth of the plant is influenced by soil characteristics. The garlic plant in area (2) was weak in growth and the size of the bulb was small, while in area (1) the growth of the plant was good and the size of the bulb is large .This is because of the difference in acidity, salinity and soil conductivity in the two areas and since the garlic plant needs neutral or low acidity soil in order to be able to absorb nutrients well from the soil. So, that was available in the area (1) and was not available in the area(2). Based on the results, the researcher recommends that the farmers need to know the characteristics of the soil before planting any crop, in order to modify its properties in proportion to the appropriate conditions for the growth of the crop to obtain abundant and good production.


Congratulations excellent research. Soil quality interferes with plant development. This research was very important to raise the awareness of farmers to improve soil nutrients and have a better harvest with oman garlic. This work is of great scientific importance. Congratulations on using the Globe app in your research helping everyone

I appreciate your words and I hope that the research has acheived its aims.Thank you  citizen Scientist.