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Study of Biodiversity and Abundance of Corals in Krabi, Thailand

Organization(s):Samsenwittayalai School
Student(s):Jarubha Suanklieng, Anawach Anantachoke, Dilokpat Chaiwirat, Pimpawee Piamjomsiri, Kantinan Lumsun, Kuldhira Iemarrom, Panthipha Srisutraporn, Sukrita Rasameephen, Gunyarut Chatkaewmorakot, Vasupint Krikieatisakul, Manatsakan Ariyapithak,Pornnutcha Khongton, Poonnama Surachutikarn
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Kornkamon Kumnerdkarn
Contributors:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kritsanadej Charoensutsini and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mallika. Charoensutsini , Mrs. Chonthicha Khongthong, Mr. John Rex, and Mr. Thewakorn, Mr. John Rex, and Pornthip Kedthawon, Uthai Kuhapong, Suthima Heampan and Khemmanut Nontasorn
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:pH, Salinity
Presentation Video: View Video
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/06/2024
Biodiversity of Coral
The purpose of this research was to explore the coral areas around Koh Podah and to test new software applications for identifying the areas and environments of corals. This experiment compared the results of two programs, Cpce and Wolfram MatheMatica , to determine which one better suits data collection when applied in a qualitative research framework. The methodology involved on-site surveys, access to actual data sources, participatory observation, and group discussions. This research analyzed data using statistical results. The study identified the benefits of using both software types and the various ways of classifying corals.
