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Study of the effect of rice water compared to lentil water on plant growth and properties

Student(s):Rima Abdulaziz Abdullah Al Balushi Salma Al Sayed Mustafa Reem Khaled Saeed Al-Alawi
Grade Level:Lower Primary (grades K-2, ages 5-8)
GLOBE Educator(s):Naeema Said Alghaithi
Contributors:Ms. Shamsa Al-Ghaithi, the school’s science laboratory technician Ms. Aseela alsaadi, the school’s science laboratory technician
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Biometry (including Tree Height), Earth As a System, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Salinity, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/05/2024
This study aims to evaluate the effect of adding rice solution compared to lentil solution on the characteristics of fragile sandy soils and increase their ability to retain water and study its effect on the plant growth process. The research questions are What effect does rice water solution have on plant growth and soil properties? What is the effect of lentil water solution on plant growth and soil properties? The required amount of solution has been determinedRice, lentils and soil irrigation every 15 days by 50 ml and the application of the soil protocol to measure temperature, conductivity, salinity andpH and compare them with the controlling soil properties Measurements of salinity, conductivity and pH of irrigation water were also taken, and the ground cover protocol was applied to the third samples and measuring the length of the stem, the number of leaves and their color, and this is done every two weeks, and the results showed a slight decrease in salinity and it was by 1.05 in the experimental soil that was watered with a water solution Rice The rice water solution also increased the speed of plant growth and its properties compared to the control sample, but it did not outperform the lentil water solution sample because it improved soil fertility, which contributed to plant growth in the water solution sample Lentils are more than rice water solution , while they did not grow much in controlled soils, and this proves effective in improving plant growth and increasing nutrients in the soil. Based on the results of the study, we recommend disseminating the results among farmers and educating them about the properties of the lentil water solution and how to benefit from it in their farms.
