Student Research Reports
Studying the efficiency of treating wastewater from fish ponds with microorganisms. Photosynthesis with ingredients from chicken egg shells
Student(s):Miss Jitwimon Kwannimit
Miss Priyaphat Phonbun
Miss Sirilak Romthong
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Kwanjai Karnchanasrimek
Contributors:Mrs. Khwanjai Karnchanasrimek
Ms. Adcharee Samhuy
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, pH
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Date Submitted:03/06/2024

Study on the efficiency of treating wastewater from fish ponds with photosynthetic microorganisms containing a mixture of chicken egg shells. Objectives : 1. To compare the quality of wastewater and effluent from fish ponds before and after treatment with microorganisms. synthesize different light The study method was to study the quality of wastewater from fish ponds. By studying the amount of oxygen in the water (DO) using a test kit for the amount of oxygen in the water. Study of water acidity (pH) using indicator paper before and after treatment with photosynthetic microorganisms containing chicken egg shells. Studies have shown that photosynthetic microorganisms can be used to treat wastewater. Average value of oxygen in water using formula 1 of photosynthetic microorganisms Before treatment, the average value was 3. After treatment, the average value was 6. Average value of acidity-base of water using formula 1 of photosynthetic microorganisms. Before treatment, the average value was 7. After treatment, the average value was 6. The amount of oxygen in the water using the second formula of photosynthetic microorganisms before treatment was equal to 3. After treatment, the average was equal to 6. The average acidity-base value of the water using the second formula of photosynthetic microorganisms before treatment was equal to The average was 7. After treatment, the average was 6.