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Tree – a Natural Air Conditioner

Organization(s):OS Banija, OS Dubovac
Country:Croatia, Croatia
Student(s):Marko Fičko 7.r., Tara Marković 7.r, Vita Grubešić 7.r. OŠ Banija Josip Ferenčina 7.r., Maksim Stanković Šprajc 8.r., Luka Škrtić 7.r. OŠ Dubovac
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, Standard Research Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Surface Temperature
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:01/20/2024
Students of Dubovac Primary School and Banija Primary School compared the surface temperatures of the soil on different surfaces: the grassy surface under the birch trees, the grassy surface under the parasol, the sunny grassy surface. At the same time, we also measured the current air temperature. The questions of our research were: Is the current air temperature always lower than the surface temperature measured on sunny grassy surface on both stations? Is the surface temperature on the sunlit grass surface always higher than the surface temperature measured on the grass surface under the birch trees and under the parasols at the both stations? Will the surface temperature on the sunny grass surface in the observed period be higher, if the soil moisture is lower? The research on the both stations was carried out in the period from June 13, 2022. until September 23, 2022 at the same time on hot and warm days when the amount of cloud cover was less than 50 %. We took data on soil moisture in the research period from the SMAP satellite database for Karlovac. Analyzing our measurement results, we noticed that the current air temperature is always lower than the surface temperature on the sunlit grassy surface at both stations. The surface temperature on the sunny grass surface is always higher than the surface temperature under the birch trees. The surface temperature on the sunny grass surface under the parasol is always higher than the surface temperature under the birch trees. In the observed period, there was not enough data on soil moisture in the SMAP database to confirm the influence of soil moisture on surface temperature.


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