Student Research Reports
Trees in Haras Santa María Urbanization, Loma verde, Escobar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Organization(s):St. Luke's College-Haras Santa María
Student(s):Sofía Losada Carneiro , Uma Bertol and Julieta Leonetti Aguado
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):María Marta Gutiérrez
Contributors:Senior 5 Students :Felipe Sanes, Juan Valdez, Luca Cricenti, Isabella Infantino, Santiago Taffarel, , Amparo Frías, Lola González, Ezequiel Bertral, Santino Bulacio, Santiago Zippilli, Bianca Carretero, Valentina Di Dionisio, Bruno Amado Dolce, Pedro López, Facundo Recalde, Bautista Rolando, Mateo Stephan y Juan Fernández Vittar.
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Biometry (including Tree Height)
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Date Submitted:02/29/2024

Preliminary taxonomic and biometric studies about trees located in “Haras Santa María “, Loma Verde, Escobar, Buenos Aires, Argentina, has taken place. Main objective: increase knowledge about the trees in our neighborhood.Specific objectives: 1) Identification and mapping of species in order to make a future catalog and 2) Collection of primary data (biometric measurements) to be able to create a database useful for future phenological studies. Research questions are about the composition of species, the frequency of height, the circumference of the sampling specimens, and the location of older specimens. GLOBE Observer and Tree biometry protocols were used for measurements and uploaded into GLOBE Observer App. For Taxonomy identifications botanical keys were used and Botanists were consulted. Satellite images from Google Earth Pro were used. Random sampling was held by 21 students. We sampled 234 specimens and determined 25 species belonging to 19 families. The most frequent species is Fraxinus americana L. Taxonomic and biometric data (height and circumference) are shown in tables and graphs. Most specimens are exotic (89.9%) and deciduous (76.6%). Most of them are sapling specimens as it is a recent urbanization. Forestation progression has also been compared through historical satellite images in order to locate the older trees.
Keywords: Trees. Taxonomy. GLOBE Observer App. Biometry. Mapping.