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Water Pollution in the Hattiesburg Area

Student(s):Sophia A. Ali
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):
Report Type(s):
Protocols:Nitrates, Alkalinity, Dissolved Oxygen
Date Submitted:04/26/2013
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The purpose of this research project is to test the water pollution in various areas of Hattiesburg. The levels of dissolved oxygen, alkalinity and nitrates in tap water and ground water were tested in Lamar and Forrest counties. Water from a fish tank provided the control. The hypothesis is that the water quality in Lamar County will be better than water quality in Forrest County.


Was all of your water collected around the same time each month to maintain consistent data?
Thank you for sharing this detailed, thoughtful study. I am wondering, how did you choose your sites? Did you expect to see a difference between the water samples from standing water bodies and those from tap water?
I chose my sites according to my prior knowledge of the history of the sites. I did expect the standing water to have more dissolved oxygen and more nitrate than the tap water, which proved to be true.
Hello Sophia,
Thank you for uploading such an interesting and detailed study. We you able to provide these data to some of the administrators - especially those at Walker Science Building, where you notes there might be a problem with the lines?
Looking at your tables of data, the average for the Dissolved Oxygen for 14th avenue site (2.66 ppm) looks a little bit off since your trial values are 7, 8, and 7. Also, how were these water samples collected? Were they collected at similar locations to reduce variables?