Student Research Reports
Water Quality Analysis Web Application
Organization(s):GLOBE Implementation Office GLOBE v-School
Student(s):Mr. Patcharapol Pongsiri
Mr. Atsawin Matphumee
Mr. Panakapol Thongyuen
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Chumpon Chareesaen
Contributors:Mr. Suriya Phopiasri
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
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Date Submitted:03/05/2024

Currently, many Thai people use water from unknown sources for various activities, leading to unsafe and improper usage. To address this issue, the researchers have developed a Water Quality Analysis Web Application. This application helps users easily and quickly analyze water quality without requiring extensive knowledge or experience in water analysis. By collecting water samples from various sources, the researchers found that the pH value and activities suitable for the water's pH level are within a proper range. For consumption, the pH range is 6.25-6.28, and for general use, it is 6.05-6.53 pH.
For fishing, the pH range is 6.02-6.25, and for agricultural use, it is 6.02-6.25. Regarding Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), suitable ranges are: 56 mg/L for consumption, 0-313 mg/L for general use, 160-244 mg/L for fishing, and 160-244 mg/L for agriculture. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels suitable for consumption are 6.76-6.84 mg/L, 6.88-7.20 mg/L for general use, 6.96-7.06 mg/L for fishing, and 2.56-3.52 mg/L for agriculture. Electrical Conductivity (EC) levels suitable for consumption are 111-112 µS/cm, 3-627 µS/cm for general use, 220-489 µS/cm for fishing, and 220-489 µS/cm for agriculture. Suitable water temperature is room temperature, not exceeding 3°C for all activities. Transparency suitable for consumption is >120 cm, >120 cm for general use, 107 cm for fishing, and 31 cm for agriculture. Regarding salinity, suitable levels are 0% for consumption, 0-0.03% for general use, 0.01-0.02% for fishing, and 0.01-0.02% for agriculture.