Student Research Reports
Water Quality and Salmon Return: Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen
Organization(s):Boys and Girls Club, Metlakatla
Country:United States of America
Student(s):Michael Duran
Ma'Karii Martinez
Mia Winter
Grade Level:Upper Primary (grades 3-5, ages 8-11)
GLOBE Educator(s):Sesilynn Schleusner
Contributors:Dr. Elena Sparrow
Dr. Katie Spellman
Metlakatla Indian Community Fisheries Program
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report, U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS)
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Water Temperature
Date Submitted:05/03/2019

Our fish have been missing. People on our island eat fish. So many people in our families and community are fisherpeople for their jobs. Even people who aren’t commercial or subsistence fishermen eat fish as a part of their diet. We depend on fish! We wanted to know how the water was on different parts of the island, and if it has affected our salmon. In the past Hemlock creek had salmon, but it has decreased a lot. Graveyard Creek had salmon in the past, but not for a very long time. We wonder if the water chemistry and temperature affects the fish.