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Organization(s):Colombia GLOBE v-School
Student(s):Corpas Daniela, Plazas Javier, Sarmiento Zulangel, Taborda Jesús, Taborda Johan, Martínez Luis, Mosquera Geraldine, Arroyo Samuel, Montes Oscar, García Yeraldin, Cañaveral Jaffet, Díaz Kevin, Cerquera Andrés, Maldonado Milton
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Erquinio Alberto Taborda Martinez
Contributors:Erquinio Taborda Martinez Semillero SICE Semillero Gardenista de Astronomia IED Las Gardenias
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Clouds, Surface Temperature, Mosquitoes
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:04/10/2019
Logo Semillero SICE
This work is done taking into account the guidelines of the Smithsonian Science Education Center, through the use of the community research guide Mosquito! Where a detailed work of organization of the research group is done through an identity formation of the members of the group, techniques to collect information in the population, knowledge about the life cycle of the mosquito and a methodical guide on how to do the investigation.A method of collecting larvae in households was used by plastic bottles in which they discharged the larvae found, they were marked with the date and place of finding inside the homes of the population formed by apartments finding a total of 277 larvae used as samples of the research, we managed to use the app globe to upload the data which were later visualized in the system and a mathematical study was made based on tables of frequency distribution and representative graphs developed in the statistics classes of professor Erquinio Taborda In the IED the Gardenias, these results found that 66% of the larvae analyzed were classified as of the aedes aegypti genus and instead where these larvae were artificial containers type vases with 45% of the total of containers found with larvae.


Congratulations for the project presented.
I still have an unresolved question, in the project they raise in the research questions the relationship between cloud cover and the mosquito cycle in the urbanization Las Gardenias in Barranquilla. Have you found any results in this regard?