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Olive sensitivity (Olea europea L.) to low temperatures

Student(s):Iva Žeko Mihael Fredotović Mate Ćurić
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Ivanka Stipoljev Tatjana Klepo
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Precipitation, Wind, Green-Up / Green-Down
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:01/01/2020
Kaštela's old olive tree
The GLOBE atmosphere protocol and the BBCH scale for determination of olive phenophase were used. Field monitoring of olive cultivars in the Kastela area was carried out in April, May and October 2018 when the total yield per cultivars was estimated. The results have shown that olive cultivars originating from the southern and warmer regions such as Italy (Pendolino, Leccino) and Southern Dalmatia (Lastovka), which were in the phenophase of leaf development or appearance of inflorescences as well as olives on which was previously performed pruning and fertilization, are more sensitive to low temperatures. Oscillation of temperatures in a short period of time (-2.4 ˚C to -6.8 ˚C from February 25 to March 1, 2018) caused partial or total decay of flower buds, freezing and cracking of bark on branches, leaf drop, increase in infection by olive bacterial canker and smaller yield (only 33.13% of standard yields). It is desirable to select locations where there is less chance of such oscillations in temperatures, resistant cultivars like Middle Dalmatian, and avoiding agrotechnical measures until the danger of low temperatures passes.


Your work and the methods of research used are very interesting. Can you tell me what is the geographical dimension of your work. What does your study site represent, have you studied only the olive trees of Kastela? You mention that you went to olive plantations, maybe a geographical contextualisation map would have been welcome.
Moreover, do you think your research can be extended to other regions with similar olive tree species and similar climatic conditions ?
Thank you.