GLOBE Equipment - Biosphere

GLOBE Equipment: Biosphere

All GLOBE instrument specifications described below represent the minimum specifications necessary to collect scientifically valid data. GLOBE schools may use instruments that meet or exceed these specifications. For example, the GLOBE specifications for pH paper call for a range of 2 to 9 pH units. A pH paper with a range of 1 to 14 exceeds specifications and may be used by GLOBE schools.

Protocol Skill Level Instruments
Layout of a Land Cover Site All 
  • Tape Measure
Tree Circumference All 
  • Tape Measure
Tree Height All 
  • Clinometer
Canopy Cover All 
  • Densiometer
Ground Cover All 
  • None
Biometry All 
  • Balance
  • Drying Oven (plants)
Species Identification All 
  • Dichotomous Keys
Green-Down All 
  • Plant Color Guide
  • Local Plant Identification Guide
  • Camera
Green-Up All 
  • Dichotomous Keys
  • Camera


Instrument Specifications by Protocol

Tape Measure

50 m tape, graduated one side, marked in 2 mm or smaller units.

Tape Measure

The tape measure described in the "Layout of a Land Cover Site" protocol can be used for this measurement. Smaller metric tape measures can also be used for this measurement.

Tape Measure

The tape measure described in the "Layout of a Land Cover Site" protocol can be used for this measurement.


The clinometer as described in the Biosphere Investigation can be made by students. See Investigation Instruments: Clinometer for instructions. Alternative clinometers may consist of a moveable dial within a metal case and lens viewer. For the moveable dial version, the scale must be graduated from 0-90Ëš in 1Ëš units.


The densiometer as described in the Biosphere Investigation can be made by students. See Investigation Instruments: Densiometer for instructions.


This balance must have the capacity to weigh 300 grams with an accuracy of +/- 0.1 gram. It can be either mechanical or electronic. It is assumed that a balance is available locally, for example in a high school science laboratory.

Drying Oven (plants)

This oven must be capable of holding samples at 50-70 C for up to two days and must be ventilated to allow moisture to escape. The interior dimensions of the oven must be at least 25 cm x 30 cm x 25 cm. It is assumed that an oven is available locally, for example in a high school science laboratory. The oven should be designed for drying biological samples or food and should not be a conventional cooking oven, which could present a fire hazard in this application.

No instrument specifications


This balance must have the capacity to weigh 300 grams with an accuracy of +/- 0.1 gram. It can be either mechanical or electronic. It is assumed that a balance is available locally, for example in a high school science laboratory.

Drying Oven (plants)

This oven must be capable of holding samples at 50-70 C for up to two days and must be ventilated to allow moisture to escape. The interior dimensions of the oven must be at least 25 cm x 30 cm x 25 cm. It is assumed that an oven is available locally, for example in a high school science laboratory. The oven should be designed for drying biological samples or food and should not be a conventional cooking oven, which could present a fire hazard in this application.

Dichotomous Keys

Acquire dichotomous keys for tree identification locally. 

Plant Color Guide

A guide made of weather-resistant paper that contains reference color chips based on the Munsell System of Color Notation. The following colors should be displayed: 5G 8/4, 5G 7/4, 5G 6/2, 5G 4/2, 5GY 3/2, 5GY 4/8, 2.5Y 8/6, 2.5Y 8/12, 5YR 7/12, 5GY 7/12, 5GY 6/10, 5GY 5/10, 2.5Y 6/6, 5Y 8/4, 7.5YR 8/4, 7.5YR 6/4, 7.5YR 5/4, 7.5YR 3/4, 5R 3/4, 2.5R 4/2, 2.5R 4/4, 2.5R 4/6, 2.5R 4/8, 2.5R 4/12. Each color chip must be positioned near a cutout that allows color comparison between plant leaves and the reference chips.

Local Plant Identification Guide

Local Plant Identification Guides for tree identification are not available from a central supplier; they need to be acquired locally.


A digital camera or a camera with color film. Mobile phone cameras can also be used.

Dichotomous Keys

Acquire dichotomous keys for tree identification locally.


A digital camera or a camera with color film. Mobile phone cameras can also be used.