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GLOBE is founded on the principles of science education and collaboration. From engaging lesson plans to measurement campaigns, over 35,000 schools worldwide have used GLOBE's resources to investigate the natural environment. Through the efforts of both students and citizens, over 250 million points of data have been contributed to the scientific community, providing researchers a crucial look inside Earth's systems. 

As climates around the world continue to change, acquiring accurate data like this is as important as ever, so there has never been a better time to "Do GLOBE."

GLOBE Protocols and Teacher's Guide
GLOBE's Protocols and Teacher's Guide offer a collection of useful resources focused on Earth science concepts. In these materials, you can find helpful resources like scientific background information, data collection protocols, and learning activities organized by Earth sphere.
Collect Data as a Citizen Scientist
The GLOBE Program's app, GLOBE Observer, is the best way to start collecting GLOBE data as a citizen scientist. Through the app, you can take environmental observations that complement NASA satellite observations and help scientists study Earth and the global environment.
GLOBE Research
Explore how GLOBE data is used both in GLOBE student research reports as well as professional scientific papers.
GLOBE Resources
In an effort to support GLOBE's mission of science education, GLOBE provides a wealth of resources to help teachers and students engage with the world around them. GLOBE resources include teaching aides, instructional videos, translated material, and more.
GLOBE Measurement Initiatives
GLOBE's measurement campaigns provide students with an inquiry-based approach to science that complements their in-class lessons. These campaigns are grounded in real science and take place on local, regional, and worldwide scales.