E Training


Learn how to select a Hydrosphere study site and be prepared for taking water measurements using different GLOBE Hydrosphere Investigation protocols.


Learn how to use an alkalinity kit to measure the alkalinity of a water sample from your Hydrosphere study site. The exact procedure depends on the instructions in the alkalinity kit used.

DISSOLVED OXYGEN - Using a Commercial Kit

Learn how to use a dissolved oxygen kit to measure the amount of dissolved oxygen in a water sample collected at your Hydrosphere study site.


Learn how to use a dissolved oxygen probe to measure the amount of dissolved oxygen in a water sample collected at your Hydrosphere study site.


Learn how to measure electrical conductivity using an electrical conductivity meter and estimate the total dissolved solids from electrical conductivity measurements at your Hydrosphere study site.


Learn how to collect, sort, identify and count the number of mosquito larvae, and determine whether your specimens represent taxa that potentially transmit disease. Support community health initiatives by eradicating breeding sites in containers in your community. You will learn how to report your data to the GLOBE website and visualize data using GLOBE’s Visualization System.


Learn how to use a nitrate kit to measure the nitrate-nitrogen in a water sample at your Hydrosphere study site.


Learn how to determine the salinity of a water sample by using a hydrometer to measure the specific gravity of the water sample and a thermometer to measure the water's temperature.

WATER pH - Using pH Meter

Learn how to use a pH meter to measure the pH of water at your Hydrosphere study site.

WATER pH - Using pH Paper

Learn how to use a pH paper to measure the pH of water at your Hydrosphere study site.

WATER TEMPERATURE - Using a Temperature Probe

Learn how to measure the temperature of a water sample by using a temperature probe.

WATER TEMPERATURE - Using an Alcohol-Filled Thermometer

Learn how to measure the temperature of a water sample by using an alcohol-filled thermometer.

WATER TRANSPARENCY - Using a Secchi Disk

Learn how to determine the transparency of water using a Secchi disk.

WATER TRANSPARENCY - Using a Transparency Tube

Learn how to determine the transparency of water using a Transparency Tube.

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