E Training


This module provides an overview of the protocols of the GLOBE Biosphere Investigation. It also explains how to define study sites for biometry, carbon cycle and greening measurements. After completing it, you will be prepared to learn any biosphere protocols.

BIOMETRY - Canopy Cover and Ground Cover

Learn how to take canopy cover and ground cover measurements at your GLOBE land cover sample site. This module provides a step-by-step introduction for how to measure canopy cover using a densiometer, measure ground cover and prepare the data for upload to GLOBE.

BIOMETRY - Graminoid Biomass

Learn how to determine the graminoid (grass-like plant) biomass at your GLOBE land cover sample site. This module provides a step-by-step introduction of the protocol method. After completing this module, you will know how to conduct sampling procedures in the field and complete measurement procedures in the lab, and you will be able to upload your data to GLOBE.

BIOMETRY - Graminoid, Tree, and Shrub Height

In identifying the land cover of your sample site, you may need to measure the height of the vegetation at your site. This module will help you learn to  measure the average height of the vegetation. For low-lying vegetation, such as grasses, and medium height vegetation, such as shrubs,  you will take a random sample of plants, measure them, and calculate the average plant height. 

BIOMETRY - Tree Circumference

Learn how to measure a tree height at your GLOBE land cover sample site. This training provides step-by-step instructions for how to build a clinometer (the scientific instrument used to obtain tree and shrub height); measure tree circumference; and measure tree height using five methods, depending on where you are measuring from.

CARBON CYCLE - Non-Standard Site

Set up a non-standard carbon cycle site to take carbon and plant growth measurements using the GLOBE Carbon Cycle protocols. Determine which vegetation types you will measure, perform field measurements to assess carbon storage and plant growth, and upload data to the GLOBE database.

CARBON CYCLE - Standard Site

Learn how to set up a STANDARD Carbon Cycle Site to take carbon and plant growth measurements using the GLOBE Carbon Cycle Protocols. A Standard site is an area of at least 225m2 (15x15m) of contiguous vegetation (i.e. forest, grassland, shrubland), if your site has human interference (i.e. school yard, park, etc.) please complete the NON-STANDARD Protocol eTraining. This module reviews learning activities and research questions that you can you can address using the Carbon Cycle protocols, the selection of a Standard GLOBE Carbon Cycle site, and provides a step-by-step introduction of the Standard Tree, Shrub/Sapling, and Herbaceous protocols. After completing this module, you will be able to determine which vegetation types you will measure, perform field measurements to assess carbon storage and plant growth, upload data to the GLOBE database, and understand resources available to help you analyze and interpret your data.

GREEN UP-GREEN DOWN - Grass Green-Down

As part of phenology we study the seasonal and climatic changes in the environment. In this module you will learn about the green-down phase for grasses. Green-down marks the end of the growing season and the beginning of dormancy for the grasses.


As part of phenology we study the seasonal and climatic changes in the environment. In this module you will learn about the green-up phase for grasses. Plant green-up begins as the dormancy of the grass is broken by changes in environmental conditions such as more hours of daylight and an increase in air temperatures.

GREEN UP-GREEN DOWN - Tree and Shrub Green-Down

As part of phenology we study the seasonal and climatic changes in the environment. In this module you will learn about the green-down phase for trees and shrubs. Green-down begins as the hours of daylight begin to lower and temperatures begin to lower.

GREEN UP-GREEN DOWN - Tree and Shrub Green-Up

Phenology is the study of the effect of seasonal and climatic changes in the environment. In this module you will learn about the green-up phase for trees and shrubs. Plant green-up is often seen as the buds of the trees and shrubs open caused by changes in environmental conditions such as more hours of daylight and an increase in air temperatures.


In this module you will learn how to classify land cover using the Modified UNESCO Classification (MUC) system. This system can used to classify land cover around the globe allowing you to identify the land cover classification of your study site.

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