Weather Stations

Tutorial: Weather Stations

Weather stations are manufactured by a variety of vendors in several formats, with each utilizing a different method for sending weather data to GLOBE's Databases. Follow the guides below to learn how to set up a few of the most popular weather station formats.

Tip: If you're unsure on how to operate the weather station vendor's software, please refer to the vendor's operation manual and customer support. 

Weather Stations from DAVIS

  1. Setup your Davis station so it reports to Davis Instruments
  2. Follow the instructions outlined in the Sites tutorial to create a site
  3. During the site creation process, under the "Add site type" menu, on the left, select the "Atmosphere" box
  4. In the "Thermometers" section of the page, select the "Thermometer type" menu
  5. Select "Davis Instrument"
  6. Enter the Davis DeviceID from the Davis Weatherlink site (see Sharing your Davis WeatherStation with GLOBE below).
  7. At the bottom of the page, on the left, click "Create Site"

Detailed step by step guide:

This guide provides the information you need to connect your Davis Weather station to GLOBE




3D-Printed Weather Stations

  1. Follow the instructions outlined in the Sites tutorial to create a site
  2. During the site creation process, under the "Add site type" menu, on the left, select the "Atmosphere" box
  3. In the "Thermometers" section of the page, select the "Thermometer type" menu
  4. Select "Other, soil or air"
  5. At the bottom of the page, on the left, click "Create Site"

Important: If you're using a 3D-printed weather station to report data to GLOBE, you must use custom code outlined in the Email Data Entry (EMDE) sheet.