Clouds Books, Videos & Presentations - GLOBE Observer
Books, Videos and Presentations
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Clouds Books for Teens and Adults

Build a Dust Storm in a Tray Activity Demo
[8:03] Dust storms take place in many locations around the world and can be quite dangerous. In this video you will learn more about dust storms with atmospheric scientist Marilé Colón Robles, and you also will learn how you can safely observe them as a citizen scientist.

Cloud Cover Estimation Activity Demo
[7:29] Jessica Taylor of NASA Langley Research Center and her two daughters show you how to do a Cloud Cover Estimation activity using simple materials. Supplies you need are paper (white and blue), scissors, glue or tape, and a marker or pencil.

[6:50] Marilé Colón Robles, the project scientist for GLOBE Clouds at NASA's Langley Research Center, and her daughters demonstrate some of their favorite activities related to cloud types: the cloud dance, cloud triangle, and cloud journal.

A playlist of five videos with experts explaining the science of clouds and the connections to citizen science, including Jessica Taylor, principal investigator for GLOBE Clouds, on "What is Citizen Science?" [4:08], Dr. Kristopher Bedka on "Clouds and Weather" [9:48], Dr. Patrick Taylor on "Clouds and Earth's Climate" [7:44], Dr. Kristina Pistone on "Clouds and Aerosols [5:24], Dr. J. Brant Dodson on "Clouds Research and Citizen Science" [7:40], and Dr. Bill Smith on “The Solar Terminator Problem” [8:16].
Correlation Between GLOBE Citizen Science and NASA Satellite Observations
[1:49] In this animation, data from Aqua, CALIPSO, CloudSat and GLOBE Observer are combined to show how multiple observations reveal the structure of clouds.
NASA Behind the Science: Dr. Yolanda Shea
[9:59] Dr. Yolanda Shea shares how watching the weather forecast led her to a career as a NASA scientist. Dr. Shea uses remote sensing to study the role of clouds in Earth's climate.

Use these videos from the Global Precipitation Measurement mission to make connections between clouds and precipitation. "Anatomy of a Raindrop" talks about the shape of a raindrop and why it is important for satellites like GPM to be able to measure the size of a raindrop, "For Good Measure" provides examples of how rain affects our lives and explains how NASA uses satellites to study precipitation, and "Show Me the Water" breaks down how much of Earth's water is usable and why studying precipitation is important for preparing for extreme weather, like flooding or drought.

[12:13] Marilé Colón Robles (GLOBE Clouds project scientist, NASA Langley Research Center) and Tina Rogerson (scientific programmer and GLOBE Clouds data manager, NASA Langley Research Center) share why satellite matches to GLOBE cloud observations are important and how they are done. Then, Heather Mortimer (GLOBE Observer graphic designer and science writer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) walks us through her own cloud observations and satellite matches.

Volunteer Scientist Panel Video
[11:10] A video showcasing stories from GLOBE volunteers about how they got started with GLOBE and the GLOBE Observer app, and connections they have made to research and to using GLOBE in their communities. This was originally shown as part of the GLOBE Observer Connection-Conversation-Celebration (C3) event held on 26 July 2022.