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North American Regional Meeting

The North American Regional Meeting (NARM) is an annual meeting of GLOBE U.S. Partners and Canadian community members. Over the years, the meeting has been held both in-person and virtually with opportunities for sharing, discussion, and networking.

The GLOBE Program North American Regional Meeting. Virtual NARM 2024, October 15-17, 1-4 p.m. ET. Graphic of United States and Canada in different shades of blue.
The 2024 Virtual NARM will be held 15-17 October from 1-4 p.m. ET each day.

Registration is now open! There is no fee to attend NARM this year, but space is limited.

The Day 1 skill-building sessions are based on your registration responses. Please register before 8 October to help us plan!

Tuesday, 15 October: GLOBE Skill-Building

1:00 Welcome and Meeting Overview
1:15 Participant Introductions
1:30 NASA and GLOBE Implementation Office Introductions
2:00 Skill-building Workshops (three 30-minute sessions)
3:45 Reflection and Wrap-up
4:00 End of Day 1
Wednesday, 16 October: Lightning Talks
12:45 Optional Networking
1:00 Welcome and Announcements
1:10 YLACES with Dixon Butler
1:20 Lightning Talks (two 30-minute sessions, each followed by 15 minutes of reflections in breakout rooms)
3:00 Affinity Groups Networking
3:45 Reflection and Wrap-up
4:00 End of Day 2
Thursday, 17 October: Professional Learning
12:45 Optional Networking
1:00 Announcements and Introduction of Presenters
1:30 Grant-Writing Workshop
2:45 Marketing Workshop
3:40 Wrap-up, Mini Action Plans, and Evaluation
4:00 Close of NARM

The sessions offered at the NARM will depend on the choices made by participants during registration. It's possible that not all these sessions will be offered. Register before 8 October to help choose the sessions!
  • Skill-Building Workshops:

    • Accessing GLOBE data with the Visualization System and ADAT

    • Managing student and educator accounts 

    • GLOBE Communication: posting news, GLOBE Stars, outreach tools 

    • Setting up a GLOBE workshop

    • Using Your Partnership Dashboard

    • Updating your Partnership Page

    • Using My NASA Data tools with GLOBE

    • Comparing GLOBE and ICESat-2 Tree Height Data

    • Access NASA Climate Change Resources

  • Discussion/Feedback Workshop:

    • Partner Onboarding Process

Lightning Talks, Round 1
  • Anne Lewis, South Dakota Discovery Center: “MacroBlitz”

  • Michael Notaro, University of Wisconsin Madison: “GLOBE as a Tool to Support Neurodiverse Learners”

  • Michael Griffith, Berks Nature: “GLOBE and Citizen Science: Not just for Schools”

  • Alisa Wickliff and Kim Garrett, University of North Carolina at Charlotte: “Introduction to Paleoclimatology”

Lightning Talks, Round 2
  • Steven Cruthirds, INFINITY Science Center: “Increasing Engagement with Video for Small Organizations”

  • Michael Odell, Texas STEM Coalition: “Developing GLOBE PBL Projects Aligned to State Standards”

  • Juan Lopez-Garriga, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus: “GLOBE: Impact on STEM Pre-College Teachers and their Students”

  • Jodi Haney and Jill Chambers, AMSTI: “Re-Establishing GLOBE in Alabama”

Show Me the Money: Grant Writing 101

This session will focus on how to identify and successfully secure grant funding from public and private sources. You will learn about some of the different types and scales of funding, how to identify funding that matches your goals, writing a proposal, and how to be successful in your efforts. Bring ideas you have and get feedback on how to approach securing funding for them.

Marketing 101: Tools to Recruit New Schools and Educators

In this session, presenters will share marketing strategies and tools to help in your efforts to recruit new schools and potential trainees. Bring your questions and/or existing marketing materials! The session will offer an opportunity for feedback and for brainstorming new strategies.

Many thanks to the GLOBE Partners who have contributed to planning the 2024 Virtual NARM!
  • Rosalba Giarratano, NASA Langley
  • Dorian Janney, NASA Goddard
  • Tracy Ostrom, UC Berkeley
  • Cassie Soeffing, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
  • Amanda Syers, Grand Valley State University
  • Kevin O’Connor, GLOBE Canada Country Coordinator
  • GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office