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Session 2: North America Partner Onboarding and Sustainability Series
Session 2 of the North America Partner Onboarding and Sustainability Series is focused on Partner activities, roles, and responsibilities and managing accounts.  >>

Watercooler: Elementary GLOBE Storybook Learning Activities and Extensions
Learn about Elementary GLOBE Storybook Learning Activities and Extensions created by GLOBE Mentor Trainer Lynne Hehr.  >>

05/07/2025 - 05/09/2025
PM2.5 Low-Cost Sensor Workshop
The goal of the workshop is to facilitate a dialogue between scientists and practitioners using PM2.5 Low-Cost Sensor (LCS) data in their research and the learning science communities utilizing localized networks.  >>

WEBINAR | Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP): Focus on Past and Completed UHI-IOP Projects
GLOBE Mission Earth is hosting a webinar for the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP) on Friday, 16 May 2025, at 3 pm ET (7 pm UTC). More information to come.  >>

Session 3: North America Partner Onboarding and Sustainability Series
Session 3 of the North America Partner Onboarding and Sustainability Series is focused on Partner opportunities and GLOBE communications.  >>

07/14/2025 - 07/17/2025
2025 GLOBE Annual Meeting
The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) is excited to announce that we’ve set the date for the 2025 GLOBE Annual Meeting: 14–17 July 2025. The meeting will be held in the Washington, D.C., area of the United States, and the theme is 30 Years of GLOBE: Understanding the Past, Present, and Future.   >>