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U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia

Update: The 2025 U.S. GLOBE in-person Regional Student Research Symposia have been canceled. Please stay tuned as we work on a virtual event in early May and hope to have some more details to the community by next week. Find more details about the 2025 SRS.​​​

What are the student research symposia?

Students in grades 5 to 12 can share the results of their hard work in GLOBE research investigations at a GLOBE Student Research Symposium. The symposia offer the chance to discuss research projects with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals, share ideas and learn from peers, and explore STEM careers. Symposia are held every spring in each of GLOBE's six U.S. regions.

GLOBE alumni, International Science Network members and other national program collaborators are also warmly invited to join their regional symposia.

Students present their SRS poster to a scientist

Learn More


Educator and student Resources

Student Resources: Tips and templates for creating a poster, preparing for a presentaton, and science process steps. 

  • Citing GLOBE Data (pdf): Guidance on how to acknowledge the sources and contributors of data collected by others in the GLOBE community. 
  • Citing AI in GLOBE Research (pdf): How to cite AI tools (such as ChatGPT) when used to help students write any portion of their SRS poster.


Funding and registration


ALL event attendees (students, educators, Partners, chaperones, etc.) should individually register for their regional SRS. Registration for the 2025 SRS will open in February.

* All projects must include data collected with GLOBE protocols or from the GLOBE database.*

Travel Funding 

Through generous support from NASA and YLACES, travel funding is available for educator-student teams.

Educators: Apply for 2025 SRS travel support.

Funding is only available to educators bringing students to present GLOBE research at an SRS event. 

Responsive Image


Benefits to participating


SRS Media

Other ways to communicate GLOBE Research

All GLOBE educators and students are encouraged to enter the GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium using the science practices and research developed for the Student Research Symposia. Students can also upload their GLOBE Research Reports with the "Student Research Symposium" tag at any time! 


For further questions about the Student Research Symposia, email the U.S. GLOBE Coordination Office.




Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by NASA (Grant no. 80NSSC18K0135 and Grant and Cooperative Agreement No. NNX17AD75A) and Youth Learning As Citizen Environmental Scientists. Any opinion, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NASA or Youth Learning As Citizen Environmental Scientists.