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Teacher Resources

The resources on this page are meant to support educators in their use of GLOBE in their educational settings. This page will be updated as new resources are made available.


Get started with GLOBE

students conduct research outdoors
This document outlines how to get started with GLOBE, ways to engage, how students can share their research, and literacy connections. 
Get Started!


North America Phenology Campaign

students and teacher look at leaves on a tree
The North America Phenology Campaign is focused on monitoring and reporting plant phenology data to help validate the end of the plant growing season. In this campaign, students will observe and report plant green-down, have opportunities to meet scientists, and collaborate with other students. 
Phenology Campaign


Moon Trees

moon tree seedlings
The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office created a Moon Trees GLOBE Activities and Resources (PDF) document to outline how you can use The GLOBE Program data collection protocols and activities to enhance learning around Moon Trees (and all trees!) near you.
Moon Trees (pdf)


GLOBE and Natural Inquirer Crosswalks

cover of the Investi-gator Pacific Northwest Research Station Climate Change edition
The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office is working in partnership with the USDA Forest Service to show connections between Natural Inquirer readers for students and GLOBE protocols, learning activities, and storybooks. The following items demonstrate how these materials can be used together in a classroom activity. More products will be added soon. Find details on the crosswalk project.

  • Carbon Cycle by Veshell Lewis, PhD, a Biology Teacher at Dacula High School and Adjunct Biology Instructor at Georgia State University
  • Photosynthesis by Margaret Gregory, Science Writer for USDA Forest Service
  • Water Quality by Pam Evans, Middle and High School Science Teacher


Mission Snow GLOBE

In winter 2023, the GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office invited GLOBE educators and students to participate in Mission SnowGLOBE. In partnership with the NASA Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field campaign, students and educators collected measurements during snow events and uploaded the data to the GLOBE website.

  • It's Snowing by Gail Gibbons

  • The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter's Wonder by Mark Cassino

  • Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin

  • Curious About Snow by Gina Shaw

  • Snowflakes in Photographs by W.A. Bentley

  • The Secret Life of a Snowflake by Kenneth Libbrecht

  • Studying Snowflakes by Joseph Otterman

  • 'We Love Snow' recommended reading from the Wisconsin Water Library


NGSS, State Education Standards and GLOBE Connections

students conduct research outdoors
U.S. GLOBE Partners have mapped GLOBE protocols and learning activities to their specific state, and in some cases city, standards. Providing these standards helps educators implement GLOBE into their curricula. *NOTE* Many of the documents on this page reference older state standards.
State Standards and GLOBE