Protocol Certification Guide

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Congratulations!  You are GLOBE Protocol Certified and are qualified to enter measurements for all GLOBE protocols.

As a trained GLOBE Educator (trained via eTraining or a GLOBE workshop) you can continue to expand your GLOBE knowledge by learning about other protocols and passing the protocol assessement tests. If you wish to be trained in another protocol, select the protocol you wish to be trained in and then click on the training module to learn more. When ready, take the assessment to become trained in the selected protocol.
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Congratulations! You have completed the required eTraining modules to become a trained GLOBE Observer and now have the ability to enter measurements in our data entry system for all GLOBE protocols.

Next Steps:  To personalize your training certificate, add your name to your profile by clicking the profile icon at the top right and then selecting ‘Account Settings’.

As a trained GLOBE Observer you can continue to expand your GLOBE knowledge by learning about other protocols and passing the protocol assessement tests. If you wish to be trained in another protocol, select the protocol you wish to be trained in and then click on the training module to learn more. When ready, take the assessment to become trained in the selected protocol.
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eTraining Certification Program
GLOBE Members can enter measurements for all GLOBE protocols by completing the required eTraining modules to become protocol certified.

User Requirements:
You must have a verified GLOBE account to take the assessment tests.

Those with an Educator account must also be approved by their Country Coordinator / U.S. GLOBE Partner or the GLOBE support team before being able to complete their e-training. Please contact the GLOBE Implementation Office if you have any questions about the approval process.

GLOBE Observers residing outside the U.S. and Student Accounts are not able to take assessment tests currently.

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eTraining Modules Completed for Certification

A green check mark next to a step or module indicates you have completed the required eTraining module(s) for certification.  Those who have completed their protocol training by attending a workshop are credited in their training records but it is not reflected below. 

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Certification Steps

​​​​A green check mark next to a step or module indicates you have completed the required module(s). You must complete at least one assessment test in each test area to receive the green check mark.  Login with a verified GLOBE account to take the eTraining assessments and track your progress.

Introduction to GLOBE

In this module you will be introduced to the GLOBE Program and the investigation areas that can be studied across the Earth Spheres in developing your understanding of Earth System Science.

Please select a sphere in step 2