Quick Summary
Once your student accounts are setup, your students can log-into
GLOBE and start entering data. You can use the 'MY STUDENTS / TEAM
MEMBERS' section on your My Page to track your student's progress.
- Go to your My Page.
- Scroll down to the 'MY STUDENTS / TEAM MEMBERS section.
- All accounts associated with your school and/or your GLOBE team(s)
are listed.
- Use the table to see which protocol observations and the number of
observations were taken by each student.
- Click on the student's screen name to view the details of their observations.
- Use the drop down menu (defaults to 'All Accounts') to filter by
account type (Student Accounts, GLOBE Observer Accounts, and
Educators at my school or team).
- Use the Data Period calendar selector to filter the accounts and
measurements by a specific date range (useful if you are re-using
your student accounts for the next school year).