Quick Summary
As a Partner or Country Coordinator, you have the ability to manage
content on your organization site.
Accessing Your Site
- To access your site, first open the Admin Site Menu by clicking
the open/close admin icon on the top left (you must be logged-in
with your account).
- With the site admin menu open, click 'Go To' and then 'My
Organizations' and then your organization.
- Once on your site, you should see your organization name on the
admin menu on the left.
Site Layout / Organization
- On your home page (landing page), some content has been
pre-populated and is displayed dynamically. These include: a map
showing your schools (GLOBE countries), a ticker showing Recent
Measurements (GLOBE countries), At a Glance, Recognition, and a list
of the organization members. For Partners, there's a section for
adding information about the Partnership which is explained in the
next chapter.
- Some sub-pages have been created for you with
dynamically-generated content. These include: School/Informal
Education Organizations, News and Events. Additional pages can be
created by you, if desired.