Quick Summary
To view the Partner Dashboard, open the site admin menu by clicking
the admin menu icon at the top left
Open the Manage menu and then click 'Partner Dashboard.
- The Partner Dashboard contains information about all of the people
that are within your organization.
- Here you can view how many members are in each of the system's
account statues along with a description of each status.
- Statuses include Account Requested, Account Approved, GLOBE
Educator, Newly eTrained, Trainers, GLOBE Observer and others.
- Clicking on an account status title takes you to a page that shown
the names of the members with that status.
- If for example, you may like to know how many GLOBE Educators are
in your Country or Partnership.
- Or, how many educators have a status of Account Approved? This is
useful to know because these are people who have been approved but
have not yet taken the next step to get trained via through
eTraining or a workshop.