Citizen Scientists' Roadmap

Welcome to GLOBE!

To help Citizen Scientists navigate the GLOBE Program and website, we've created this roadmap that contains common tasks users perform after creating their account.  Click on a section header to open that section to find tasks to perform.  The tasks are listed in the order they should be completed. Each section contains a link to the complete tutorial, if available.
Recommended Tasks

To participate in The GLOBE Program as a citizen scientist, download GLOBE Observer, the app of The GLOBE Program. The app is available for free in Google Play or the App Store.

You can register in the app or, if you have already created an account, use the email address and password you used to register with GLOBE to sign-in to GLOBE Observer.

The GLOBE Observer app includes four main tools: Clouds, Mosquito Habitat Mapper, Land Cover, and Trees. It also includes an Eclipse tool during eclipse events.
Learn more about the GLOBE Observer App and how to download it.

The GLOBE Observer website has been designed to support those who participate in The GLOBE Program primarily through the GLOBE Observer app. On the GLOBE Observer website, you will find:

  • Training videos and support materials, including hands-on activities, books, tutorials, additional videos, a family guide, and articles for each of the citizen science protocols.
  • ​​​​​​​An overview of the science behind each protocol.
  • Resources for community leaders, informal educators, or others who want to use GLOBE Observer with a group.
  • ​​​​​​​GLOBE Observer data and scientific publications based on GLOBE Observer data.
  • The latest news from the GLOBE Observer community, including monthly blogs about the science related to GLOBE Observer protocols.
  • Information about events for citizen scientists like data challenges or virtual community meet-ups.
  • ​​​​​​​Support for the GLOBE Observer app, including a contact form to reach the GLOBE Observer team. ​​​​​​​

Roadmap - GLOBE Social Media

We share the latest news and events on GLOBE’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. GLOBE YouTube has a number of videos about the GLOBE community as well as training videos. Social media is also an easy way to reach out to experienced members of the GLOBE community. Join the conversation!

Twitter icon Facebook iconYou Tube iconInstagram icon

You can set your screen name, update your email address, change your preferred language, update your password, opt in or out of communication from The GLOBE Program, and check your GLOBE training status in your account settings.

​​​​​​​Open Your Account Settings


You may want to participate in The GLOBE Program with a group such as your library or other community group, your employer, your family or friends. A GLOBE Team provides a way for individual citizen scientists to work together. Anyone can create a GLOBE Team. You can create or join a GLOBE Team on the GLOBE website or on the GLOBE Observer app.

Create a GLOBE Team
​​​​​​​Join a GLOBE Team

After you download the GLOBE Observer app, register for an account, and take the in-app training, you are ready to begin taking observations of clouds, mosquito habitats, land cover, trees, or eclipse conditions.

​​​​​​​Explore the tutorials to learn how to:
  • Navigate GLOBE Observer
  • ​​​​​​​Use the GLOBE Observer Protocols
  • Send Your Data to GLOBE
  • ​​​​​​​View Your Observerations
  • View Everyone's Observations

Use one of the 3 tools on the website to view and download your data:

  • ​​​​​​​Visualization System - Good for viewing data on a map or chart and for comparing data from multiple sites.

  • ​​​​​​​Advanced Data Access Tool (ADAT) - Good for downloading large amounts of data to a spreadsheet.

  • ​​​​​​​GLOBE API - The GLOBE API is focused on supporting developers who want to use a programmatic interface to retrieve GLOBE data.

As a citizen scientist, you are encouraged to use GLOBE protocols to study issues of importance to you and share your research results. The GLOBE Program sponsors an annual International Virtual Science Symposium, which provides a forum for sharing research within the GLOBE community and getting feedback. You may also choose to submit your research to an independent publication.

If you do publish your work, we would love to hear about it! Contact us to let us know about your research.

​​​​​​​Learn more about Student Research Reports.

Optional Task

US Members Will See:

The GLOBE Program includes more than 50 different protocols for studying the environment. GLOBE Observer provides universal access to a few protocols for which you do not need training or equipment beyond the app itself. The other protocols require additional training and tools to measure Earth’s atmosphere, biosphere, pedosphere (soil), and hydrosphere.

Visit the eTraining section to learn more and begin your training.

International Members Will See:

The GLOBE Program includes more than 50 different protocols for studying the environment. GLOBE Observer provides universal access to a few protocols for which you do not need training or equipment beyond the app itself. The other protocols require additional training and tools to measure Earth’s atmosphere, biosphere, pedosphere (soil), and hydrosphere.

Please contact your GLOBE country coordinator to learn more about how to expand your capabilities. You can find their contact information on their country page on the GLOBE website.