U.S. Partners' Roadmap

Welcome to GLOBE!

To help U.S. Partners navigate the GLOBE Program and website, we've created this roadmap that contains common tasks Partners perform.  Click on a section header to display links to related GLOBE content, resources, and available tutorials.  The tasks are listed in the order they should be completed.

Getting Started Tasks

See What You Can Do as a U.S. Partner
View the Tutorial to learn about the GLOBE Partner Capabilities on the Website.

Visit the United States Country Page

Find resources for U.S. Partners.

  • Access the GLOBE US Partner Forum - This forum provides additional information focused on U.S. partners
  • See the Latest News and Events in the U.S.
  • Stay Current on Partner activities by accessing:
    • U.S. Program Educators Facebook and Twitter group
    • U.S. GLOBE Watercoolers - recorded webinars on all things GLOBE by Partners, teachers and community members
    • Student Research Symposia Playlist
    • And more
  • Access the GLOBE Partner Yearbooks - GLOBE Partners across the country are engaging in activities and events to support students, educators, and citizen scientists in collecting data and carrying out GLOBE research.

Your Account Tasks

  • Access your account settings
  • Manage your personal information and password
  • Upload a profile image
  • Check your training records
  • Check to make sure you're in the correct GLOBE organization
​​​​​​​Open Your Account Settings
A My Page is the page for others to learn about you and is your 'dashboard' to manage and track your students' observations, create personal blogs, and communicate with GLOBE 'friends'.

​​​​​​​Click on the profile icon at the top right of any page and then select 'My Page' or View the Tutorials to learn more.


Users and Organizations Tasks

View the tutorial to learn how to:
  • Access and setup your partner site.
  • Learn how to create and manage News and Events.
  • Update your partner contact page.
Manage Users and Schools/Organizations
  • See all of your teachers/educators and schools/organizations under your partnership.
  • View educator profiles to update their personal information and organizations.
  • View schools/organizations to update addresses, Lat/longs and other information

Access The Partner Dashboard

Access The School Status Report
  • Use the Workshop Admin Tool to setup and manage your workshops. Workshops can be In-person or virtual. 
  • Access the Workshop Tool by opening the Admin Menu > Manage > Workshop Administration
Open the Workshop Admin Tool

Data Tasks

Download the app for free to enter measurements immediately for the four citizen scientists’ protocols – Clouds, Mosquito Habit Mapper, Land Cover and Tree Height.

After becoming formally trained, either through a GLOBE Workshop or online via eTraining, use the app to enter measurements for all GLOBE Protocols.
Learn more about the GLOBE Observer App and how to download it.

Get eTrained or Attend an In-Person / Virtual Workshop

​​​​​​​What’s covered in the training:

  • Get an in-depth overview of the GLOBE program and teacher involvement.
  • Get an introduction to the Earth Science Sphere that interests you.
  • Learn about your selected GLOBE protocol(s), how to define data sites, take measurements and analyze the data.

Once formally trained, you will have the ability to enter data for all GLOBE protocols.

Log-into the GLOBE Observer app or use the desktop version to setup data sites and enter observations.

​​​​​​​Explore the tutorial to learn how to:

  • ​​​​​​​Setup data sites
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Navigate the data entry forms
  • ​​​​​​​Use Bundles
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Connect Weather Stations to GLOBE
  • Track Your Observations

Use one of the 3 tools on the website to view and download your students' data:

  • ​​​​​​​Visualization System - Good for viewing data on a map or chart and for comparing data from multiple sites.

  • ​​​​​​​Advanced Data Access Tool (ADAT) - Good for downloading large amounts of data to a spreadsheet.

  • ​​​​​​​GLOBE API - The GLOBE API is focused on supporting developers who want to use a programmatic interface to retrieve GLOBE data.