In-Person and Virtual Workshops
Walailak GLOBE 2024-2025 |
Dates: 11/25/2024 - 03/31/2025 |
- Atmosphere - Aerosols
- Atmosphere - Air Temperature
- Atmosphere - Barometric Pressure
- Atmosphere - Clouds
- Atmosphere - Precipitation
- Atmosphere - Relative Humidity
- Atmosphere - Surface Temperature
- Atmosphere - Wind
- Biosphere - Land Cover Classification
- Earth As a System - Earth As a System
- Hydrosphere - Alkalinity
- Hydrosphere - Conductivity
- Hydrosphere - Dissolved Oxygen
- Hydrosphere - Freshwater Macroinvertebrates
- Hydrosphere - Mosquitoes
- Hydrosphere - pH
- Hydrosphere - Salinity
- Hydrosphere - Water Temperature
- Hydrosphere - Water Transparency
- Pedosphere (Soil) - Soil Moisture - Gravimetric
- Pedosphere (Soil) - Soil Moisture - SMAP Block Pattern
Contact Person: K Jaroensutasinee
Phone: 0819220597
Availability: Open to all
Further Details:
Phone: 0819220597
Availability: Open to all
Further Details:
MCNC 2024 is organized in Saraburi.
GLOBE Thailand Climate Change Education 2025