GLOBE Side Navigation


Four teachers talk around a scientific instrument outside.
GLOBE offers a variety of different training opportunities for community members to become more involved in the program. Whether it is learning how to use the many different functionalities on the GLOBE website, or even becoming a certified GLOBE Trainer, members can explore how to become more involved in the GLOBE Program.

Five people in masks, stare at papers held by the woman in the center.
User Roadmaps
Check out these guides focused on helping new and existing GLOBE members navigate the GLOBE website.
Two people sit at a table while looking at a map.
Tutorial Center
Explore GLOBE tutorial videos and follow step-by-step instructions on how to find content or perform specific tasks on the GLOBE website. 
Five people stare at a woman holding a glass tube, as she explains a lesson.
In-person and Virtual Workshops
In-person teacher workshops are the best way to learn about the GLOBE Program. At these workshops, GLOBE instructors explain GLOBE data protocols and help participants connect their pupils to an international network of students, educators, and scientists to learn more about the environment.
Graphic showing a person's measuring tree height. Text: "Two triangles with eyes lower than tree base."
Protocol eTraining
If there is not an in-person workshop nearby, GLOBE offers a collection of online protocol modules teachers can complete at their own pace. These modules also provide a great review for current GLOBE teachers and can serve as supplementary material for the in-person programs.
A group of people watch a GLOBE trainer presenting in a classroom.
Become a GLOBE Trainer
GLOBE Trainers are an important part of the GLOBE Program's implementation in countries around the world. By training educators, Trainers help to advance GLOBE's goal of scientific education and outreach.