
April 2020 Monthly Summary

This month we spent alot of time working through how to offer students who would have participated in the Student Research Symposia another option to share their work. We got it figured out and then the upload tool for reports had to be shut down! That was exciting! Thanks to the Community Support Team, we were able to accept the reports and get them up. Although not in the place they usually would be.

Some other notables: The U.S. Office sent an email to each GLOBE Partnership asking them to update their Partnership page, including the Contacts and Membership lists, and I met with leaders from USDA Forest Service Conservation Education and Citizen Science to discuss working together on more projects. This is what else happened this month:

Partner News

  • Dave Bydlowski, Wayne RESA, shared an Earth Day program and agenda he is did with 3rd graders.
  • Center for Sustainable Communities (Garry Harris) Wins Grants to Mitigate Environmental Justice Issues: The ECO District Hampton Roads project recently won two grants (Union of Concerned Scientists and NOAA) to engage residents, students, teachers and local agencies to collaborate on the mitigation of the observed challenges in a local canal. Recovery strategies will include the use of GLOBE protocols and tools including mosquito, atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere, along with analysis from consultants, debris removal, installation of conservation measures and mitigation of pollution sources.
  • GLOBE is highlighted in a blog from University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension.
  • The University of Toledo Partnership shared a video from a former GLOBE student about how GLOBE helped her choose a STEM career.
  • Marcy Seavey from Iowa Academy of Science: โ€œMy current preserve educator students live in areas where they are allowed to go outside and use parks as long as they maintain distance and don't use park equipment.  They are collecting Cloud Data using the Observer App as a part of their class.  On Friday, I noticed some data near us that wasn't reported by one of my students.  It is a local school that has been involved in GLOBE for many years.  Not all of their students have internet access, but some of those who can have started a cloud group to maintain data collection while they are not at school!  Their teacher shared about their project and I shared about our project. My students will be able to use their data."
  • John Moore (Institute for Earth Observations Partnership, NJ) is starting a GLOBE group focusing on Satellites in Education.

 US Regional GLOBE Student Research Symposia (SRS)

  • A Pacific SRS 2019 video was posted to the GLOBE YouTube channel. It was created by videographer Rob Limon.

  • The leadership team offered student teams an opportunity to upload their projects to the GLOBE website to receive Peer Review comments. The deadline is May 5, 2020 while the Peer Review time period is May 6-20, 2020. FAQ with details here.

  • The US team created two videos on Peer Review to support students reviewing each otherโ€™s work virtually. The videos were announced through the 30 April 2020 SRS Teacher email.

  • A video was submitted to the STEM for All Showcase May 5-12, 2020. The video is of the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic Student Research Symposium. Co-presenters are Haley Wicklein (UNH), three teachers and 2 mentors/GLOBE Partners (Rick Sharpe, Sue Dougherty, Elodie Bourbon, Rosalba Giarrantano, and Tina Harte).
  • The 2020 leads for each regional SRS agreed to host the Spring 2021 Student Research Symposia.


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